Showreel of my best VFX, Compositing, 3D and Motion Graphic works, until Fall 2014.
Feature films
– The Expendables 3 (Worldwide FX): deep compositing of 3D elements, set extension, tracking, keying and cleanup; look dev for the heat/night visor and hud; tracking and compositing of 2D and 3D elements; face replacement using 3D model with projected animated textures.
— Only Lovers Left Alive (Pixomondo): dead man replace through 1300 frames using projection tecniques; sequence compositing with screen replacements in various devices.
– After Earth (Pixomondo): sequence compositing and keying of foreground and background people, gizmo creation (to create custom zdepth and shadows passess using the default Nuke scanline render)
– One thousand and one nights (Toboga): sequences compositing, tracking, keying and cleanup.
TV Series
– Constantine (Important Looking Pirates) 00:40 smoke compositing and tracking from 2D elements, CG heads integration; bugs and swarm compositing and integration adding warping and shadows on the skin.
– Vision Express (Fieldtrip): opening shot compositing, look development, modelling and camera animation, created using multiple footages projected on geometry.
– Bet365 (Absolute Post): backgrounds compositing and hologram head look development and animation trough 3D and 2D processes.
– Direct Line (Fieldtrip): sequences compositing through tracking, cleanup and CG integration; inside chimeny look development; headphones modeling, texturing, rendering and compositing.
– Mercedes Benz Assist (Pixomondo): 2D and 3D supervision, modeling, shading and compositing.
– BMW 5 Series (Pixomondo): camera animations and cars rig, to use in the pipeline for automated render of all the versions of the cars.
– Gillette FC (Rumblefish): compositing, keying, rotoscoping, tracking and cleanup; modeling, texturing, shading and rig of various stadium elements.
– Signal (Toboga): rotoscoping and keying.
– Go Ahead (Fieldtrip): packaging replacement using 2D techniques.
– Smyths (Unit Media): compositing, tracking and sky replacement.
– Mr Green (Smoke & Mirrors): tracking and cleanup setup for the footages done with motion control.
– Bubbles (Virtual Reality & Multi Media Park): lead 2D and 3D artist, dynamics and compositing.
– Canary Wharf (Escape Studios): foreground modeling, texturing, shading and lighting using Atomkraft, Mari and Nuke; background done by camera projection; compositing and grading.
Music Video
– Something Really Bad (Partizan): compositing of the elements that were prjected on set. On set VFX assistance and advisor; compositor in the post production process.
Motion Graphics
– diQua (IUAV): motion graphics animations look dev and realization, tracking, editing and final grade.
– Around (PoliMi): motion graphics animations setup and opening scene look dev.
– Climate Changes (PoliMi): motion graphics animations.
– Lycia (Rumblefish): motion graphics and camera animations, graphics creation and look dev.
– Tiger (Boumaka): motion graphics animations and particles in Maya.
Music: Music: The Riverboat Song, Ocean Colour Scene
Programs used: Maya, Mudbox, MatchMover, PFTrack, Nuke, Mari, Atomkraft, Photoshop, UVLayout, Mocha, After Effects, Premiere Pro