– Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver (Trixter): compositing sequence lead and look development for the CGI dragon character and for the full-CG environments.
– Krypton Season 2 (Important Looking Pirates): compositing of the CG character in live action plates and compositing and look development of the full-CG shots.
– Avengers: Age of Ulton (Trixter): compositing and prep, compositing look development for the red laser scanner, creation of motion graphics for the holograms, compositing look development for the castle shield.
– Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 (Animal Logic): compositing look development for the energy effect, subdermal lighting and light interaction. Compositing of the CG background.
– Hellboy (Rise): compositing of the set extension church and of the impact and destruction with a CG double character.
– Doctor Sleep (Rise): compositing of the set extension and maze BG replacement.
– Westworld Season 1 (Important Looking Pirates): prep and compositing of boy opening face, terraformer compositing and matte painting of the background.
– Captain America: Civil War (Trixter): compositing, set extension and prep, with replacement of Black Panther CG charachter, Winter Soldier metal hand and Captain America shield. Reprojection of the background of the first shot.
– Independence Day: Resurgence (Trixter): compositing of the sphere, the hologram and the metal structure with the look development of the volumetric lights. Motion graphics of the last hologram.
– Captain Marvel (Rise): compositing fixes and finishing of the full-CG wide shot.
– Game of Thrones Season 7 (Pixomondo): compositing look development of the castle shot, with lightnings, athmosferic and rain elements in compositing, matte painting of the sky with lightnings. Compositing of the dragon with the
compositing interaction with the hand.
– The Magicians Season 2 (Important Looking Pirates): compositing look development of the cacodemon and the hot pincers. Skin tracking and tattoo integration.
– Constantine Season 1 (Important Looking Pirates): smoke compositing and tracking from 2D elements, CG heads integration; bugs and swarm compositing and integration.
– Only Lovers Left Alive (Pixomondo): dead man reprojection and tracking through 1300 frames shot.
– Lorenzo negli Stadi: Introduction (iMasterArt): VFX supervisor from the bidding to the final product, coordinating a team of artists. Compositing look development and 3D modelling and animation.
– Pixels (Trixter): compositing of CG elements and compositing look development of Mario character.
– After Earth (Pixomondo): sequence compositing and keying of foreground and background people, gizmo creation (to create custom Z-depth and shadows passess of people projected on cards, using the default Nuke scanline render)
– The Expendables 3 (Worldwide FX): deep compositing of 3D elements, set extension, tracking, keying and cleanup; look development for the heat/night visor and HUD.

Velvet Revolver – Slither

Programs used: Maya, Mudbox, MatchMover, PFTrack, Nuke, Mari, Atomkraft, Photoshop, Illustrator, UVLayout, Mocha, After Effects, Premiere Pro

– Felix Burda Stiftung (Spellwork): compositing and look development of the full-CG shots.
– Nissan Formula E (The Mill): 2D Lead of the entire full CG project, compositing and look development of the full-CG shots.
– The Small Escape (Alps VFX): VFX Supervisor and On-set Supervisor for the short movie, involving mainly set extension.
– Lamborghini Urus. The Chase. (Alps VFX): VFX Supervisor for the sand FX shots of the commercial.
– Vodafone Multilayer-Tecnologie (Alps VFX / Spellwork): CG car compositing and look dev, forest hologram room finishing.
– Lorenzo negli Stadi: Introduction (iMasterArt): VFX Supervisor and On-set Supervisor, directly involved in compositing and mgfx look development, 3D modelling and animation.
– Check24 (Trixter): compositing of multiple motion controlled footages to combine in the various shots of 4 commercials to achieve the giant look.
– Huesitos (Glassworks): compositing and look development of the full-CG wide shots for the whole commercial, adding volumetric lights and athmosferic effects in comp with 2D elements and procedural techniques.
– Compare the Meerkat (Passion Pictures): compositing of CG characters in live action footage.
– Les Furets (Passion Pictures): compositing of CG characters in live action footage.
– Vision Express (Fieldtrip): opening shot compositing, look development, modelling and camera animation, created using multiple footages projected on geometry.
– Bet365 (Absolute Post): backgrounds compositing, look development and animation through 3D and 2D processes of holographic parts.
– iPhone 6 (Rushes): compositing of full CG shots and screen insert for localization.
Samsung Galaxy S9 (The Mill): compositing of full CG shots and screen inserts.
– Gigaset (Trixter): sequence compositing and look development of full CG shots and motion graphics, final grading.
– Direct Line (Fieldtrip): sequences compositing doing tracking, cleanup and CG integration; headphones modelling, texturing, rendering and compositing; inside chimeny full-CG compositing look development.
– Mercedes Benz Assist (Pixomondo): 2D and 3D supervision of 4 commercial of 60 seconds each, modelling fixes, shading and compositing.
– BMW 5 Series (Pixomondo): camera animations and cars rig, to use in the pipeline for automated render of all the versions of the cars.
– Battlefield 1 (Important Looking Pirates): look development and compositing of burning edges in the zeppelins.
– The Land of Plenti (Fieldtrip): tracking and compositing various footages shot with motion control in slow motion, integrating the additional 2D and 3D elements.
– Signal (Toboga): rotoscoping and keying.
– Strongbow (Saddington Baynes): CG compositing for a large size banner.
– Gillette FC (Rumblefish): compositing, keying, rotoscoping, tracking and cleanup; modelling, texturing, shading and rig of various stadium elements.
– Bubbles (Virtual Reality & Multi Media Park): 2D and 3D look development, animation, dynamics and compositing.
– Something Really Bad (Partizan): compositing of the elements that were projected on set. On set VFX assistant; compositing in the post-production process.
– Vision Express (Fieldtrip): closing shot compositing and transition look development.

Velvet Revolver – Sucker Train Blues

Programs used: Maya, Mudbox, MatchMover, PFTrack, Nuke, Mari, Atomkraft, Photoshop, Illustrator, UVLayout, Mocha, After Effects, Premiere Pro, RV

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